Medusa quotation-tools review-tools TeXlib
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The Oedipus project is a SourceForge project that I've recycled to provide a CVS server and bug tracker for various projects of mine.

Some projects are still being actively maintained. Others have been abandoned, and are marked as dead; feel free to pick up any of these dead projects and resurrect them.


Medusa is a framework for writing asynchronous socket-based servers. I've picked it up and released an updated distribution of the code. (Current status: beta.)


(Current status: dead.) A set of Python classes for reading and modifying the directory produced by the Open Directory Project.


(Current status: dead.) Converts Python source into a nicely typeset LaTeX document. Unfortunately LaTeX2e seems to have broken it, and I can't figure out how to fix it.


A set of tools for parsing and formatting quotation collections in QEL format, such as qtgrep for searching them, and qtformat for converting QEL to various formats. (Current status: beta.)


Various little tools for working with RDF-indexed book reviews, as described in my writeup. (Current status: not intended for public release, though feel free to explore.)


Python code that implements TeX's algorithm for breaking paragraphs into lines. (Current status: alpha.)


Woolgather is an easy-to-install Weblog system. (Current status: alpha.)
